
The Beginning of Something New

This is the second blog that I am creating as an assignment for school, but this is my first college blog! In 10th grade I took a computer literacy class as an elective and ended up making my own blog on WordPress that I had to update DAILY in class, leading to a very padded blog by the end of the year. The blog worked as a portfolio and actually was one of the big reasons that I landed a tech internship at a biotech company the following Summer! It would be great if this blog could double as a portfolio, but I think that I should probably work on that myself. Learning about blogging this week lead me to making some pretty big realizations! I thought that blogging as a whole was sort of an outdated concept as popular blogging social medias such as Myspace and Tumblr are not as popular anymore. I attributed this as people shifting from browsing the Internet on computers to using mobile devices.  Although Tumblr does have a mobile app, the site is designed to give the creator creative de