The Beginning of Something New

This is the second blog that I am creating as an assignment for school, but this is my first college blog! In 10th grade I took a computer literacy class as an elective and ended up making my own blog on WordPress that I had to update DAILY in class, leading to a very padded blog by the end of the year. The blog worked as a portfolio and actually was one of the big reasons that I landed a tech internship at a biotech company the following Summer! It would be great if this blog could double as a portfolio, but I think that I should probably work on that myself.

Learning about blogging this week lead me to making some pretty big realizations! I thought that blogging as a whole was sort of an outdated concept as popular blogging social medias such as Myspace and Tumblr are not as popular anymore. I attributed this as people shifting from browsing the Internet on computers to using mobile devices. 

Although Tumblr does have a mobile app, the site is designed to give the creator creative design on the entire page, with the editing almost always being done on the computer. It is hard to view a site like this on a mobile device:

Sites that are focused on design for viewing on computers have definitely become more and more sparse. It is much easier to scroll through a feed with posts with enlarged text such as Twitter or Instagram:

But when comparing the two in terms of content, modern social media is really just a reformatting of traditional blogging! The posts appear chronological in user's feeds and are just a person sharing information about hobbies or personal things in their life. I have never created a "blog" on my free time because I have always thought that I do not have anything to share that people would want to consistently check-in on. But I've come to the realization that I have been blogging all along! 
